Friday, April 25, 2008

Scenes from 410

Kristen Dos Santos at E! Online posted these preview clips for "Something Nice Back Home." Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What To Expect For The Rest of Season Four

When Lost resumes (Thursday, April 24 at 10 Eastern, 9 Central), you can expect the following (given that the only so-called "Spoilers" contained below come from promos that have been airing on ABC, there should be no actual spoiling going on here)...

  • There will be six more hours of Lost (two fewer than originally planned this season, but one more than the previously-announced post-strike total). The fifth and sixth will air as a two-hour block on May 29, two weeks after the fourth episode back.
  • The first episode back with be a Ben Flash-forward, which will be entitled "The Shape of Things to Come." I'm just speculating here, but I believe this will bridge the gap leading up to Sayid's flash forward from "The Economist."
  • In "The Shape of Things to Come," the smoke monster will make an appearance, and we will learn more about its nature.
  • We will learn the ultimate fate of Rousseau and Karl in the second episode back.
  • Alex will have been taken captive by Keamy and the mercenaries, who plan to use her as leverage against Ben.
  • New Otherton, where Team Locke has taken up residence, will be attacked by the mercenaries.
  • We will learn how the Oceanic Six make it off the island.
  • Finally, we will visit the three-level DHARMA station called "The Orchid," which Lost fans first encountered in footage shown at the San Diego Comic Con last Summer.
  • Ultimately, we will bridge the gap between the flash forwards we've seen this season and Jack's screaming "we have to baaaaaack" at the end of last season.
  • We've been promised a spectacular kiss before the season's end.
  • The finale will include another game-changing moment, which has been codenamed the "Frozen Donkey Wheel." This continues the tradition of big finale moments that began with season 1's "Bagel" (Walt's abduction), season 2's "Challah" (the hatch implosion), and season 3's "Snake in the Mailbox" (the flashback was actually a flash forward).
  • What we will not see this season are previously planned flashbacks for Farraday and Miles, but these stories will be told.

You excited yet? I know I am.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Jeff Jensen's Interesting Whispers Theory

A great theory was put out this week by's Jeff Jensen. (To read Jensen's full column, click on the title of this post).

I posted this to the spoilers blog because, hey, it makes enough sense that one could be spoiled by reading this, if it turns out to be true. In discussing "Meet Kevin Johnson," Jensen had this to say:

The mystery of Walt became 76 percent more intriguing.
I assumed we would learn Michael and his son returned to the Island together. Wrong! And I'm glad I'm wrong, because it makes the whole business of Tall Island Walt even more provocative. If you recall, we saw in last year's finale how an adolescent Walt beckoned left-for-dead Locke out of the Dharma mass grave. Was he a ghost? Was he corporeal? How did he get so big? Here's my prediction: Ultimately, some or all of the Oceanic 6 will try returning to the Island in the flash-forward future, and they're going to bring Walt with them. But when they pass through the electromagnetic anomaly, they're going to arrive at a point in the Island's past, perhaps even prior to the crash of Oceanic 815. Yes, folks, I am suggesting that here in the Island present, while Jack and the castaways are clashing with the freighter folk, flash-forward Jack and company are also on the Island, too. They could be hiding; after all, they can't interact with their past selves, as that could screw up the timeline or create some kind of time-space catastrophe (although Walt would be exempt, as his past self is no longer on the Island). Then again, maybe Island magic precludes them from interacting with their castaway lives. Perhaps they share a separate, parallel existence with their old Island selves. Could this explain The Whispers? Could these voices belong to the flash-forward characters returned to the Island, watching and commenting on past drama? If my theory is correct, then here's my prediction for the season finale: In the last scene, exactly one minute after the Oceanic 6 departs from the Island, the flash-forward Oceanic 6, released from the restrictions of Island magic, will step out of the jungle and greet the remaining castaways. I'll leave it to Hurley to make the inevitable quip:
''Man, I thought they would never leave.''